Other title(s): ESPANYA AL DIA
Genre: Newsreel
Year: 1937
Description: Laya films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. A traditional Catalan and Basque dance festival takes place at the Montjuic fountains in front of the National Palace, organised by the Catalan Aid foundation to raise money for the Basque Country. The Catalan dance troupes are made up of adults and children wearing traditional costume. The event is attended by Government of Catalonia President, Lluís Companys, and Basque President, José Antonio Aguirre. The narrator highlights the fact that the Basque Country is in the grip of the invading forces.
Keywords: esbarts de dansaires; espectacles; danses típiques; solidaritat; acaptes; Companys Jover, Lluís; Aguirre Lecube, José Antonio de; Guerra Civil Espanyola : 17/07/1936; 00/05/1937 : Data inici; 00/07/1937 : Data final; documental Guerra Civil Espanyola / Palau Nacional (Barcelona); Fonts de Montjuïc / Spanish Civil War documentary; Laya Films. News bulletin compilations; Propaganda film; traditional dances; dance troupes; shows; typical dances; solidarity; collections; Spanish Civil War;
Provider: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Rights: In Copyright / Generalitat de Catalunya
Production company: Laya Films
Colour: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Collection: Laya Films
Language: ca